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  • 31 Oct 2019 12:31 PM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

    Captain Hooven guesses the number of cheese balls in the bottle at CCRA table at Schuylkill River Park Fall Festival

    Thank you to all who came out to the Fall Festival last Saturday. Many stopped by our table to discuss the issues going on in the neighborhood with Captain Hooven of the 9th District. Captain Hooven reported that the thief who had been actively breaking into residences in the neighborhood had been apprehended, so that particular issue should be addressed for now.

    Our cheese ball contest. was a big hit--over 50 people entered to play!  One little girl guessed 16 cheese balls were in the container--when asked by one of our board members why she guessed 16, she responded that 16 was as high as she could count!  (The winning number was 740--she had a way to go!)

    We hope you enjoyed meeting and talking with our CCRA volunteers and we look forward to seeing you at our next event.  

  • 10 Oct 2019 12:35 PM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

    Businesses seeking liquor licenses are required to post a large, orange poster, in landscape, when they are seeking a liquor license.  Neighbors within 500 feet have thirty (30) days from the date of posting to protest the license by sending a letter to the state liquor board saying they oppose the license, as the LCB explains here.  Protesting a license starts a process that (as a practical matter) will cause the applicant to contact the protestors to address their concerns (usually, noise, crowding).  CCRA can help you with your protest, if you like.  Call or email the office saying you have a liquor issue.  CCRA itself is UNABLE protest a license application under PA liquor law.  License applicants are NOT required to contact CCRA and usually don't.  Once the poster goes up, YOU have to take action.  Again, CCRA can help you but can't do anything with you. 

  • 10 Oct 2019 12:23 PM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

    Be alert

    This morning, a CCRA member email us to report a suspicious person located on the 2300 block of Delancey, carrying a suitcase, tried to enter her home.  She was home at the time but the person didn't ring the bell. Be careful and keep your doors locked at all times. 

  • 10 Oct 2019 10:26 AM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

    Another Suspicious Person Spotted. Be alert!

    This morning, a CCRA member email us to report a suspicious person located on the 2300 block of Delancey, carrying a suitcase, and tried to enter the home.  The member was home at the time and wasn't expecting any visitors. Be careful and keep your doors locked at all times. 

    Dog Attack between Delancey and Pine

    Earlier this week, a 3-month old puppy, was attacked and killed on 21st Street between Delancey and Pine Streets by a pitbull being walked by a dog walker.  If you are walking your pup, make sure you pick it up if you spot a bigger dog.  If you're walking a bigger dog, be careful if you see any smaller dogs in your vicinity.  Please be mindful so a horrific tragedy like this does not happen again.  If a dog attacks you or your pet, call the police immediately and contact Animal Control.  

  • 02 Aug 2019 2:53 PM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

    Ed Hille - Inquirer Photographer

    Ed Hille - Inquirer Photographer

    The Chestnut Street bridge over the Schuylkill is closing next week, and it won't be open to traffic again for a year.

    The bridge needs repairs, including repairing and repainting the steel superstructure and replacing the deck. The structure also will be upgraded with a bike lane, wider sidewalks, and decorative railings. 

    For more information, click or tap here.

  • 02 Aug 2019 1:47 PM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

    This is the newly repaved Pine Street, everyone in their lane and traffic moving smoothly (for now). Isn't it beautiful? No potholes, clean and clearly marked lanes.  

    However, Spruce Street at our end of town is another matter because of much-despised utility coordination. The 1500 block of Spruce Street is scheduled to be complete by September 7, 2019, and the four blocks between 18th and 21st Street will take longer. Please click or tap here for detailed information in the City's press release. 

  • 19 Jul 2019 11:32 AM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

    City to Address Congestion on Chestnut Street through engineering and enforcement


    "You can't get there from here!" I used to say that when trying to describe how to get to Glenside or some other suburban community without easy car access (forget mass transit!). But now you can pretty accurately say that when trying to get across town. The City has a plan to address some of the most egregious congestion, on Chestnut Street, through better curbside management and bus operations, and in August will work with SEPTA and DVRPC on the Chestnut Street Loading Pilot Project .   On July 11, CCRA executive committee members voted to support this  Pilot Project.  Attached is a flyer concerning the pilot and the letter of support sent to Chris Puchalsky, PhD, Director of Policy and Strategic Studies, oTIS.  CCRA looks forward to continuing cooperation with oTIS as the Chestnut Street Congestion is addressed.

  • 27 Jun 2019 11:08 AM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

    During the summer, CCRA will be making a couple of changes to make joining and/or renewing your membership, donating, and registering for events easier.

    New Payment System

    CCRA will no longer use PayPal as our credit card processor for joining, renewing, donating, and registering for events online. Credit card processing will be handled directly through our website.

    CCRA now offers recurring charges

    Beginning July 1, CCRA will offer annual recurring charges to your membership for credit card users. If you do not wish to have this feature, you will have to change the setting to opt out when your membership is due for renewal. If you are having trouble, please contact our Operations Manager, Travis Oliver via email. If you choose not to pay by credit card, we will continue to accept checks.

  • 21 Jun 2019 11:23 AM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

    The first, Bill 190312 introduced by Councilmember Johnson, who represents the southern portion of CCRA's territory, changed the zoning designations of properties between South Street and Spruce Street, and between the Schuylkill River and Broad Street. The Bill embodies the recommendations of the CCRA Remapping Committee which, in conjunction with the Philadelphia Planning Commission held three public review sessions regarding this proposal. 

    The second, Bill 190313, sponsored by our two District Council representatives Kenyatta Johnson and Darrell Clarke,restricted the Fresh Food Market Bonus of increased height and density and decreased parking to retail grocers utilizing a minimum of 5000 square feet, a requirement that should limit it's impact on the CCRA neighborhood.

  • 01 Aug 2018 4:30 PM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

    Feet First Philly is Philadelphia’s pedestrian advocacy group and a project of the Clean Air Council. Feet First Philly raises awareness of issues facing pedestrians in the City of Philadelphia including improving the pedestrian environment, protecting the rights of pedestrians, and encouraging walking as a mode of transportation, as well as for exercise and recreation.

    Feet First Philly leads multiple advocacy projects including the #NotaParkingSpot campaign on Twitter. The campaign calls for better enforcement around parking on sidewalks and crosswalks, and empowers pedestrians to document illegal parking in their neighborhood. Because it leads to unsafe crossing of intersections and forces pedestrians into traffic, parking illegally can end in serious injury and even loss of life. Feet First Philly’s goal is to make Philadelphia’s streets safe and accessible for everyone.

    Feet First Philly also leads organized walks, keeps a monthly walking calendar, conducts walk audits, and is a member of the Vision Zero Alliance, working to end traffic deaths in Philadelphia.

    Are you interested in getting involved with Feet First Philly? Do you want to stay informed of our work or volunteer with us? Email us at today! Learn more about Feet First Philly at

Center City Quarterly

CCRA publishes the Center City Quarterly to provide information on Center City people and events from the point of local residents.  You'll be guaranteed to learn something interesting about your neighborhood in every issue!

Archived issues of the Quarterly are provided in Adobe Acrobat format. If you do not have the free Adobe Acrobat reader, you can download it directly from Adobe.

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Center City has a large number of talented amateur and professional photographers. Share your images of local events and sites.

We reserved the right to scrub any images we consider offensive. All copyrights are reserved to the contributor, who grants CCRA the rights to display images uploaded in this web site. No commercial information, please!

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1900 Market St, Fl 8, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: 215.546.6719 | Email


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