The People Powered Voice for a Better Community

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Our neighborhood relies on your generosity

CCRA is a volunteer organization. We have no source of income other than our members, sponsors events and donors. Everything helps. Undoubtedly you don‘t like being asked for money. We don‘t like asking, either. But we have to ask in order to continue providing the events and services to our community that we've been providing for decades.  We're proud of what we do.  But we need your help.

Donate to Keep our Sidewalks Clean, Safe and Green!

Please support CCRA's efforts to keep our neighborhood clean safe and green through our actions to:

  • ensure that our streets are clean and safe, with an abundance of public space for us to again enjoy.  CCRA makes a major contribution to this effort. We have a contract with the Center City District to clean neighborhood sidewalks after weekly trash collection, which is not covered by membership dues. 
  • continue tree planting, sidewalk sweeping, public safety and oversight of neighborhood development. The provision of street trees is now routinely considered by the Zoning Committee and when negotiating Community Benefit Agreements with developers.   And we have embarked on a Tree Canopy Initiative to protect our air and waterways as well as to return the neighborhood to its previous glory with vibrant and healthy trees throughout.
  • continue our heightened liaison with the police and the many organizations dealing with increased panhandling and homelessness.  We are exploring initiatives to respond to quality-of-life issues through the provision of social services and utilizing police responders as a last resort. Through these continuing efforts, we hope to restore a sense of safety and security in the neighborhood as we welcome businesses, restaurants and visitors back to the neighborhood.

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* Mandatory fields

Primary Contact for Household or Organization

*E-Mail Address (also serves as user name for on-line profile)
*First name
Middle Initial
*Last name
Street & Number
Apt or Unit
*Support CCRA's efforts including sidewalk cleaning in our neighborhood, in the following amount: ($USD)
I want to restrict my gift to sidewalk cleaning
I want to restrict my donation to Tree Tenders

Join our email list

Questions? Email Travis Oliver, Managing Director

©2023 Center City Residents' Association. All Rights Reserved.
1900 Market St, Fl 8, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: 215.546.6719 | Email


We would like to thank our sponsors for supporting our mission


                       CCRA Believer                       


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