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Neighborhood Concerns

10 Oct 2019 10:26 AM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

Another Suspicious Person Spotted. Be alert!

This morning, a CCRA member email us to report a suspicious person located on the 2300 block of Delancey, carrying a suitcase, and tried to enter the home.  The member was home at the time and wasn't expecting any visitors. Be careful and keep your doors locked at all times. 

Dog Attack between Delancey and Pine

Earlier this week, a 3-month old puppy, was attacked and killed on 21st Street between Delancey and Pine Streets by a pitbull being walked by a dog walker.  If you are walking your pup, make sure you pick it up if you spot a bigger dog.  If you're walking a bigger dog, be careful if you see any smaller dogs in your vicinity.  Please be mindful so a horrific tragedy like this does not happen again.  If a dog attacks you or your pet, call the police immediately and contact Animal Control.  

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Questions? Email Travis Oliver, Managing Director

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1900 Market St, Fl 8, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: 215.546.6719 | Email


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