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  • 04 Aug 2022 1:08 PM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

    Hundreds of people die each year in the United States due to heat-related illnesses, mostly children and the elderly, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    The threat is greatest during excessive heat watches and warnings. Many of the deaths, however, can be prevented as long as people take the proper precautions.

    The National Weather Service issues an excessive heat watch to give people time to prepare for potentially dangerous heat. According to the NWS, an excessive heat watch is when conditions can cause excessive heat in the next 12 to 48 hours.

    An excessive heat warning/advisory is when excessive heat is occurring, is imminent, or has a very high probability of occurring in the next 36 hours, according to the NWS. These conditions can be a threat to life.

    With that in mind, we have created a guide to surviving dangerous heat.

    Take Precaution

    Heat contributes to more than 600 deaths each year in the United States according to the CDC. The elderly and children are the most at risk of overheating. People with heart conditions or other chronic illnesses are also at risk.

    Heat stroke is common and can be deadly. The following are warnings signs of heat stroke according to the CDC:

    • Throbbing Headache
    • No sweating
    • Body Temperature above 103 degrees
    • Red, hot, dry skin
    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Rapid, strong pulse
    • Loss of consciousness

    If you or someone has these signs, call 911 immediately. The CDC recommends trying to cool a person with symptoms while help is on the way.

    The following are signs of heat exhaustion, according to the CDC:

    • Faintness or dizziness
    • Excessive sweating
    • Cool, pale, clammy skin
    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Rapid, weak pulse
    • Muscle cramps

    If someone has these symptoms, they are advised to get to a cooler, air-conditioned place. If fully conscious, they should be given water and a cool shower or cold compress.

  • 04 Aug 2022 1:03 PM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

    The nonprofit that maintains the park says there’s been a lot of positive feedback, but people experiencing homelessness feel targeted.

    New Philadelphia park benches: Hostile architecture or accessibility feature? - On top of Philly news (

  • 01 Aug 2022 1:35 PM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

    Man talking with his healthcare provider in a medical office

    July 28, 2022 Update

    Due to a lack of vaccines received, the number of monkeypox vaccine appointments is EXTREMELY LIMITED at this time. While the eligibility criteria listed below is still in effect, vaccine doses are prioritized for those at the highest risk. People who are at the highest risk of getting monkeypox are those who have been exposed. As more vaccine doses are received, the Health Department will be able to vaccinate more eligible people.

    What is monkeypox? 

    Monkeypox is a viral disease that is usually found in Central and West Africa. Monkeypox was first discovered in laboratory monkeys in 1958. In 1970, Monkeypox was reported in humans for the first time. Monkeypox can be fatal, but that’s rare and has never happened in the United States. 

    What does it look and feel like? 

    For some people, monkeypox can start off feeling like the flu: fever, swollen lymph nodes, and just feeling unwell. Not everyone gets these symptoms though. 

    People who have monkeypox will start to see a rash or lesions (they look like bumps) develop within a couple of weeks after being exposed. The lesions can show up anywhere on the body including on the face, in the mouth, or on or around the genitals or anus. The lesions can be very subtle and people might only notice one or two lesions. 

    Some people report that the lesions can be very painful. Other people say that they can be mild. 

    These are some examples of what monkeypox lesions look like: 

    Image of monkeypox lesion Monkeypox lesion Monekypox lesion

    How can you get monkeypox? 

    People who are in close, personal contact with someone who has monkeypox can get it from them. There are several ways that it could spread. It can spread: 

    • If you touch the rash, the scabs of the lesions, or body fluids of someone who has monkeypox,  
    • If you have close personal contact, like kissing, cuddling, or sex, with someone who has monkeypox, 
    • If you touch things like clothes or bed sheets that have touched the rash or body fluids of someone who has monkeypox, 
    • From a pregnant person to their fetus. 

    You can get monkeypox from someone else as soon they have a fever or feel unwell or have a lesion. They can give it to someone else the entire time they have a rash until the lesions have scabbed over, fallen off, and new skin has grown back. This can take up to a month. 

    Who can get monkeypox? 

    Anyone who is exposed to monkeypox can get it. Some groups of Philadelphians are at a higher risk of being exposed to monkeypox. The current outbreak of monkeypox has been found more often in men who have sex with men who have had multiple partners in the past few weeks. So people with potential risky exposures should take extra precautions to protect themselves. 

    How can you protect yourself? 

    The best way to protect yourself from monkeypox is to not be exposed to it. That means that you should ask your partner: 

    • Have you been around someone who had monkeypox? 
    • Are you feeling sick? 
    • Do you have a rash or lesions on your body? 

    If they answer yes to any of those questions, you should avoid close contact and use gloves or avoid touching things that they have touched. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer frequently. 

    What should you do if you think you were exposed to monkeypox? 

    If you think that you were exposed to monkeypox, you should call the Health Department at 215-685-5488 to tell them you may have been exposed to monkeypox. 

    What happens when you’re exposed? 

    If a person is exposed to someone with monkeypox, they should call the Health Department at 215-685-5488 to tell them you may have been exposed to monkeypox immediately.  The Health Department will ask about the exposure and work with that person to set up an opportunity to receive a vaccine to help keep from getting monkeypox. The vaccine must be provided as soon as possible, so making this call quickly is important.  Vaccine is being distributed first to those at the highest-risk, so people who may be lower-risk might not get an immediate vaccine appointment.   

    What should you do if you have symptoms? 

    If a person has symptoms of monkeypox, including a rash or lesions, they should call their regular healthcare provider immediately. If they don’t have a healthcare provider, they can visit to find a public health clinic or visit an urgent care facility. 

    People who are experiencing symptoms of monkeypox or have been diagnosed with monkeypox cannot be vaccinated.   

    The healthcare provider will order a test for the virus. If they send the test to a private lab, the patient may be charged for it. If this test comes back positive, they likely have monkeypox. That person should talk with their healthcare provider to see if treatment is needed. The Health Department will also contact that person to ask about people that they may have exposed to monkeypox. 

    It’s important that some people’s symptoms of monkeypox are very mild and they might not notice it right away. If you think you may have been exposed and something feels wrong, contact your healthcare provider. You should also consider letting any partners know that you might have monkeypox, to help protect them. 

    What about monkeypox vaccine? 

    The Health Department has received a small supply of JYNNEOS vaccine from the federal government. The vaccine is for people who have not tested positive for monkeypox. 

    This vaccine usually only has minor reactions like pain, swelling, and redness at the site of injection. This vaccine is safe for people with HIV. 

    There is no charge for receiving monkeypox vaccine. 

    How many doses of monkeypox vaccine do you need? 

    The JYNNEOS vaccine is administered in two doses at least four weeks apart.  

    While JYNNEOS requires two doses before individuals are considered fully vaccinated, a single dose can still offer protection. This protective strategy is being adopted in the UK, Canada, and New York City. Because of an increase of cases in Philadelphia and a limited supply of vaccine, the Health Department will also follow this single dose vaccination strategy. Providing first doses to at-risk individuals is the best way to provide protection to Philadelphians until the city receives further vaccine supply.  

    This strategy is supported by the available scientific evidence, demand for vaccine, and JYNNEOS vaccine shortage. This could mean that individuals may not receive their second dose by the 28-day interval between doses as is indicated in the FDA prescribing label. This possible delay will not negatively affect the immune response to the second dose. The Health Department will communicate to people who have received first doses about when second doses are available and how to receive them. 

    How can you get vaccinated against monkeypox?

    Beginning July 25, 2022, the Health Department and select health clinics began administering vaccine to people who are at high-risk of exposure but may not have been exposed. The eligibility criteria can be found below. 

    The Health Department and select providers will be vaccinating people at invite-only clinics. The invite-only clinics will not allow walk-ins and will not allow people to set appointments. Non-Health Department clinics are sending invitations to their current high-risk patients. The Health Department is sending invitation to people who are known contacts of people who have monkeypox or who have been identified in existing Health Department databases as someone who could be at a higher risk of being exposed to monkeypox without knowing it. 

    The Health Department also allows people who are concerned that they’ve been exposed, or believe they are at high risk of being exposed to monkeypox, to call a Call Center at 215-685-5488 to see if they are eligible to be vaccinated. People are considered to be at high-risk of exposure when they meet these criteria:

    People who meet ALL of the following conditions:

    • Gay, bisexual, transgender, non-binary, and other men who have sex w/men, transgender, or non-binary persons, and
    • Age 18 or older;


    Meet ONE of the following criteria:

    • Have had multiple or anonymous sex partners in the last 14 days and/or believe they may have been exposed to an STI or monkeypox in the past 14 days,


    • Have had any newly diagnosed STI in the past 3 months, including gonorrhea, chlamydia, early syphilis, or HIV.

    Vaccine is being distributed first to those at the highest-risk, so people who may be lower-risk might not get an immediate vaccine appointment.  As more vaccine is delivered, more people will be invited to these vaccine clinics.

    During the COVID-19 vaccine program, we learned that opening vaccine clinics to everyone meant that only those who were internet-savvy and had time to spare would get their vaccines first. People who really needed the vaccine could not get it or had to wait in long lines. By limiting who gets vaccine to those at the highest risk of getting monkeypox, we know that the vaccine will get to those most in need right away.

    Where can you learn more? 

    The CDC has been responding to this outbreak and is tracking where people are getting sick. They have lots of information available about monkeypox, vaccine, antivirals available on their website. Here are some good resources from them: 

  • 01 Aug 2022 9:43 AM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

         Uncle George Productions, LLC will be filming scenes for their upcoming television series in your neighborhood on THURSDAY, AUGUST 4TH & FRIDAY, AUGUST 5TH. Please review the information below it may pertain to you.

        Certain streets in your area will be permitted as NO PARKING zones in order to support our equipment and production vehicles. We kindly ask that residents move their vehicles prior to the start times listed below. The Philadelphia Parking Authority will relocate any vehicles not moved. These vehicles will be relocated to another street in the neighborhood. Below are the dates and times of the NO PARKING zones.



    • Spruce St, (North side), between 21st and 22nd
    • 21st St, between Latimer St and Cypress St
    • 22nd St, between Latimer St to Cypress St


    • Spruce St. between 20th St and 21st St, 3 spaces closest to 21st St.
    • Spruce St (North side), between 22nd St and 23rd St
    • Spruce St (South side), between 22nd St and 23rd St (church loading zone)
    • 21st St. between Locust St. and Pine St.
    • 22nd St. between Locust St. and Pine St
    • Rittenhouse Sq, between 20th St and 21st St (half block closest to 21st St) 

    Please note that these times and streets are subject to change. For the most up-to-date information please email us at to be added to our email blast.


         Starting on Wednesday August 3rd the 2100 block of Spruce Street will be intermittently closed to vehicles.

         On Thursday, August 4th and Friday August 5th the 2100 block of Spruce Street will be closed to vehicle traffic. 21st Street between Locust and Pine, Spruce Street between 20th and 21st & Rittenhouse between 20th and 21st will be intermittently closed as well to vehicles.

         To ensure our shoot is safe and with minimal impact to the neighborhood our production is working closely with the City of Philadelphia, the Philadelphia Police Department, and the Greater Philadelphia Film Office (215.686.2668). If you should have any questions or concerns about our filming please call us at the number below or look for a Location Department representative on set.

         We look forward to filming in your neighborhood. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and consideration.


    Uncle George Productions, LLC

    Locations Department


    "Servant" Season 4 Locations Department

    Uncle George Productions, LLC

    (484) 823-0021

  • 18 Jul 2022 1:07 PM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

    Our production will be returning to the neighborhood to film for our fourth and final season of Servant. The scenes scheduled for Tuesday, 7/19 and Friday 7/22 will involve an intense storm (taking place on Panama Street between 23rd & 24th and in Fitler Square Park). This will require the use of equipment to create wind and rain effects on the street. Panama Street will be closed to vehicular and non-resident pedestrian traffic during filming. Dedicated staff will be on-site to assist with resident ingress and egress on the block. During non-filming hours, the street will be open. Please also note that we will be filming late into the night/early morning on Tuesday 7/19 and Friday 7/22. We will make every effort to be as nondisruptive as possible as it gets late in the evening. Below outlines the current schedule for set-up, filming, and wrap-out. Please note that the dates will remain the same, but the times are approximate and subject to change.

    Street Closure Times for the 2300 Block of Panama Street

    · Tuesday, July 19th, 3:00 PM to 12:00 PM

    · Friday, July 22nd, 6:00 PM to 4:00 AM

    Please call us at the number below with any questions & concerns. We will do whatever we can to assist. We are grateful for all of the support the neighborhood has shown us during this season of filming, and also previous seasons.

    Please note that S. 23rd Street at Spruce and S. 24th Street at Spruce will also be intermittently closed to Vehicular Traffic during filming hours.

    Streets will be permitted as NO PARKING zones in order to support our equipment and production vehicles. We kindly ask that residents move their vehicles prior to our arrival. Any vehicles not moved will be relocated to another street in the neighborhood by the Philadelphia Parking Authority. Below are the dates and times of the NO PARKING zones:


    Sunday, July 17th, 6:00 PM to Saturday, July 23rd 6:00 PM


    · East side of 24th St, between Delancey Pl and Pine St

    · North Side of Pine St, between 23rd St and 24th St



    Monday, July 18th, 6:00 PM to Saturday, July 23rd, 6:00 PM


    · Both sides of 24th St, between Spruce St and Pine St

    · 23RD St, between Delancey Pl and Panama St

    · 23rd St, between Pine St and Lombard St


    · Lombard St, between 23rd St and 24th St

    · Lombard St, between 22nd St and 23rd St (3 spaces closest to 23rd St)

    · 23rd St, between Lombard St and South St

    As we have during past shoots, we will be offering resident displacement parking on the North side of Locust Street between 20th and 23rd Streets. We have also expanded the displacement parking to now include the North side of Pine Street between 20th and 22nd Streets (parking in the Bike Lane). This parking will be available beginning Sunday, July 17th at 9 AM and last until Sunday, July 24th at 9 PM. Please Park per the resident displacement parking signs, avoid parking on corners and, avoid truck and bus turns.

    To ensure our shoot is completed safely, and with minimal impact to the neighborhood, our production is working closely with the City of Philadelphia, the Philadelphia Police Department, and the Greater Philadelphia Film Office (215.686.2668). In order to safeguard the public as well as our cast and crew, we are working under the protocols determined by the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Department of Public Health, Pennsylvania Department of Health, film industry COVID-19 specialists, and our own Health & Safety Advisory team. All of our crew will be tested for COVID-19 prior to filming in your neighborhood. Symptoms will be monitored daily.

    If you should have any questions or concerns about our filming, please call, or look for a Location Department representative on set. As always, we look forward to filming in your neighborhood. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and consideration.


    The Locations Department


    "Servant" Season 4 Locations Department

    Uncle George Productions, LLC

    (484) 823-0021

  • 18 Jul 2022 1:05 PM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

    Police are investigating a rape at a SEPTA subway station early Monday morning and are searching for the suspect.

    Philadelphia Police search for man accused of rape in SEPTA station (

  • 14 Jul 2022 1:52 PM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

    Updated COVID Protocol for Worship

    Thursday, July 14, 2022

    Hello CHT Community, 

    As of yesterday, COVID Act Now has Philadelphia County in the medium risk category. According to our Covid-19 protocols, which can be found by clicking the purple button below, high-quality masks will be required for in-person service Sunday, July 17. As always, we have plenty available for use up in the narthex if you need one - just ask! 

    For those who feel more comfortable worshipping from home, we still offer Livestream services every Sunday at 11 am on our Facebook page. The services will also be available to view at any time afterward on our Facebook, Youtube, and Video pages. 

    With this shift, we encourage all to remember that COVID-19 will continue to be a fluid situation. In many ways, we need to trust each other to act safely and lead when things change. Please do your part to stay home when sick (even a sniffle), and utilize testing resources - Curative is still just outside our front doors at no cost!

    Stay healthy and safe, and we'll see you Sunday! 

    COVID Protocols

Center City Quarterly

CCRA publishes the Center City Quarterly to provide information on Center City people and events from the point of local residents.  You'll be guaranteed to learn something interesting about your neighborhood in every issue!

Archived issues of the Quarterly are provided in Adobe Acrobat format. If you do not have the free Adobe Acrobat reader, you can download it directly from Adobe.

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1900 Market St, Fl 8, Philadelphia, PA 19103
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