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Statement by CCRA President Maggie Mund

31 May 2020 5:03 PM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)


Statement by CCRA President Maggie Mund

We recognize the pain caused by the police brutality in Minneapolis...and throughout the country over the recent past.  We support peaceful protest everywhere to end this violence against black and minority communities which runs counter to American values. 

But we cannot condone random and senseless civil disorder as a response.  Rioting and looting which turns our neighborhood into a battleground will not solve this problem and only serves to set citizen against citizen. 

We call on the protest leaders to do everything in their power to channel their anger and hurt into peaceful protest in the best American traditions.  We want to work together with communities throughout the city to achieve meaningful reform.  That cannot happen when our neighbors fear for their safety and our neighborhood is looted and defaced.

Please join CCRA as we call on Mayor Kenney and Police Chief Outlaw to assure the city that while peaceful protest will be encouraged, we need a plan that will prevent the violence and looting that rocked Center City last night. To date, we have learned that the National Guard will be called in and that Center City will be closed to vehicular traffic from Vine to South streets, and from the Schuylkill to Delaware rivers. Please contact city officials at,, and  

More city council representative contacts may be found on the attached sheet.

We would like to thank our neighbors who have been out cleaning up the broken glass and other consequences of last night's lawlessness, restoring the neighborhood to a semblance of order. 

Please note that there is a curfew effective tonight at 6 PM to 6AM .  Stay safe

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Questions? Email Travis Oliver, Managing Director

©2023 Center City Residents' Association. All Rights Reserved.
1900 Market St, Fl 8, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: 215.546.6719 | Email


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