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Message from the CCRA President

16 Apr 2020 5:46 PM | Travis Oliver (Administrator)

Now more than ever, it's important to promote unity in our community. Center City Residents' Association is excited to partner with several civic organizations in Center City West that are working to address the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on our neighborhood. Big shout out to the Markward Recreation Advisory Council for getting the ball rolling on these fabulous posters!

We are especially mindful of the need to break social isolation as well as support the essential workers who are keeping our neighborhood going in this time of crisis. CCRA is one of many organizations encouraging people to display their support for essential employees by banging pots and pans in outdoor spaces at 7pm every night. We also encourage residents and businesses to display the posters included in this e-mail as a show of solidarity with your neighbors.

Together, we can say thank you to our first responders, healthcare workers, grocery store employees, and countless other frontline workers who are risking their lives everyday as this pandemic unfolds.

As the toll of this crisis becomes more apparent in the future, we welcome your suggestions for how CCRA can support the community in these unprecedented times.

- Maggie Mund, President

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Questions? Email Travis Oliver, Managing Director

©2023 Center City Residents' Association. All Rights Reserved.
1900 Market St, Fl 8, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: 215.546.6719 | Email


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