Emergencies: In the event of an emergency or the need arises to have police officers dispatched to your location to take a report or address something happening in real-time on the street or inside of your building, persons are asked to call 911. If you want to act as a complainant, please tell the 911 operator this and provide your exact location so that a police officer can meet you and take a report from you.
Non-Emergencies: Call 311 or the 9th Police District at (215) 686-3090. If calling the 9th District, ask to speak with the Community Relations Officer, who is the contact at the station for any community issues that needed to be addressed. In the event that the Community Relations Officer is unavailable, please ask instead for the Victim’s Assistance Officer.
Panhandling and Homelessness Issues: Residents should not call the police department unless the panhandling is aggressive and/or someone is obstructing the sidewalks. Depending on how aggressive the person is, this is typically not a 911 matter and the Homeless Hotline should be called instead at (215) 232-1984.
Monthly Town Halls: Captain Ritchie invites all residents to attend his monthly Town Halls, held at the 9th District Precinct (401 N 21st St, Philadelphia, PA 19130). Free parking is provided outside of the 9th District for anyone attending the Town Hall meeting. To learn when these meetings will be held, go to the 9th District website.
NOTE FOR ALL RESIDENTS: The 9th Police District territory is very large, including some high crime areas, which often take momentary priority. The officers and staff of the police have many duties and obligations to all citizens who reside in, work in, or come to visit places located within City, including Center City.