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The Firefighters Are Coming!

20 Jul 2017 10:00 AM | Deleted user


Even if there had been attempts by a jingling ice cream truck to lure them away on a hot night, it would not have deterred the long line of adults and children at Markward Playground at 5:30 P.M., Wednesday, July 12.  They were waiting for the much anticipated event - The Friends of Firefighters, sponsored by CCRA’s Education and Family Committee.

For the third year in a row, Philadelphia firefighters from Engine 43, Ladder 9, at 2101-14 Market Street, parked their fire truck at Taney and Pine Streets and welcomed children of all ages to explore their world. The firefighters helped children try on their gear and sit behind the wheel of the fire truck and answered their questions. Just as their visit was winding down, the firefighters were called, and the engine had to zoom away, sirens blasting to fight a real fire.  Wide eyed kids and adults said it all!




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